Recent Summer School: Dietrich von Hildebrand
The Institute for Christian Personalism organized a Summer School from Monday the 12th to Sunday the 18th of August in the former Dominican monastery in Retz in Austria, close to Vienna.
The theme of the Summer School was the life and writings of the personalistic thinker Dietrich von Hildebrand.
The program consisted of intensive studymornings with Dr. Elisa Grimi, an expert on Dietrich von Hildebrand: ELISA GRIMI OFFICIAL WEBSITE ( Dr. Grimi is an associated scholar of the Hildebrand Project. This Summer School was organized in cooperation with the Hildebrand Project.
In the afternoon we ondertook cultural and sportive exploration to Vienna and the surroundings of Retz.
In the evenings we had guest speakers for interactive evening sessions such as Cardinal Schönborn (Vienna, Austria). We were furthermore joined by Pater Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist., who talked about the true and the good in the age of ideology. He comaperd the thought of Von Hildebrand with the thought of Charles de Koninck. Interview with Pater Edmund Waldstein OCist – a Young Man with an Impressive Biography | Medici & More (
On Wednesday evening we wered introduced into the theme of aesthetics by dr. Javier Carreño of the Franciscan University of Steubenville: Dr. Javier Carreño | Franciscan University of Steubenville
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If you have any questions on upcoming summer schools, do not hesitate to send an email to: